Metric Prefixes

The metric system is incredibly efficient at allowing one to switch to human friendly units simply by using the appropriate prefix with a given unit. Learn as many as you can, but definitely learn the ones that say to know these for class.

make it smaller

prefix namesymbolmultiplier
deci-d× 10-1
centi-c× 10-2
milli-m× 10-3
micro-µ× 10-6
nano-n× 10-9
pico-p× 10-12
femto-f× 10-15
atto-a× 10-18
zepto-z× 10-21
yocto-y× 10-24

make it bigger

prefix namesymbolmultiplier
deka-da× 101
hecto-h× 102
kilo-k× 103
mega-M× 106
giga-G× 109
tera-T× 1012
peta-P× 1015
exa-E× 1018
zetta-Z× 1021
yotta-Y× 1024

MAIN Prefixes for Chemistry Class

— from big to small —

prefix namesymbolmultiplier
tera-T× 1012
giga-G× 109
mega-M× 106
kilo-k× 103
milli-m× 10-3
centi-c× 10-2
micro-µ× 10-6
nano-n× 10-9
pico-p× 10-12

Make sure you know these for your all your chemistry classes!

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