11 Other Awesome Chem Resources
11.2 External LINKS
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Long, long, ago on my University of Texas courses pages I had a LINKS page. Actually, it is still there but I no longer have access (I'm retired!). Anyway, I'm putting ALL those old links here for perpetuity. Seems lots of teachers in middle school, high school, and even colleges find that old LINKS page. Anyway, here is it in all its glory and this page I CAN still edit and add to. So mark it.
NOTE: as of 12/20/2023, ALL of these links and sites work!
old CH301 - Chemistry Site - Our original site when we got a grant for the "Course Transformation Project". The newer (better) site is the gchem site (listed next) so use it. I'm only leaving this here because according to analytics, more people use this site world wide than gchem. This is strange to me, but it is what it is. This was last used and updated around 2012-2014.
the gchem site - We combined both our CH301 and CH302 courses into one unified site. We named it gchem. UT Chemistry still uses 90% of what is on this site to teach their 301/302 courses. It is somewhat video heavy, but lots of those videos are very helpful. A great general chemistry resource and FREE!
NIST - SI Units - Official NIST International System of Units, metric prefixes, and more... (this is just a small part of a much bigger site)
UTeach Outreach Program - Take your science knowledge and help teach elementary school kids.
UT Center for Teaching and Learning
WebElements - Nice Periodic Table and more
PTable - a dynamic periodic table site - Very Nice PT site. Electron configurations, orbitals, and much more.
Gen-Chem Online Professor Fred Senese's old site with lots of chemistry references. Maintained from 1997 to 2010.
The ChemTeam A nice resource with high school chemistry in mind (which really isn't any different than college chemistry or any other chemistry).
Orbitron Mark Winter's site out of The University of Sheffield. Some really pretty orbital renderings.
VSEPR Theory also Mark Winter with some really great VSEPR visualizations and isn't afraid of showing mathematical equations behind the scenes.
Cool Molecules a massive database of chem structures rendered out in jmol
The ChemCollective lots of stuff here including virtual labs and tutorials
LibreTexts Chemistry This used to be The ChemWiki Project out of UC Davis. Now it spans more colleges, etc and is LibreTexTs Chemistry. If you dive deep enough, you'll find some nice pages.
Chemistry the Central Science (Ohio State) - Dr. Spinney's World of Chemistry with lots of jmol visualizations and more.
HyperPhysics - nice site on atomic theory and more... lots of higher level stuff
PhET Interactive Simulations - This used to be "Physics 2000" from the University of Colorado. Most of the old tech animations and the like have been modernized and the new site is a more general site with lots of program widgets and the like. Lots and lots of simulations.
Five Great Entropy Sites - by Dr. Frank Lambert (Professor Emeritus from Occidental College) Some VERY GOOD sites and revelations about entropy. This is an archive site of his (old) 5 websites on entropy. Worth a read to help you better understand what entropy is and isn't. Start with the first one "entropysite.com".
Compilation of Chem Resources - by Stephen Lower - Simon Fraser University - Many links to other informative sites including some free eBook sites.
These sites have been sent to me from students and teachers from around the country. Thanks for your contributions.
Busy Bee: The Chemistry Behind Cleaning - Some real "Cleaning" chemistry from a cleaning company. This link is brought to you by Mrs. McVey's 5th Grade Class!
The Science Behind Glass - From Vision Elevators, learn about some of the properties of glass and how it is made. This link was submitted by Alyssa and Jess Riggs - Thanks!
Brainly.com: Science Experiment Resources - Another nice listing of links to various science resources for projects and experiments. Also a nice glossary of some science terms. This link was submitted by Harry Rizzo on behalf of his student, Lauren - thanks, Lauren! From the Center of Northern York's Knowledge Association (cnyk.org).
A Glossary of Some Chemistry Terms from Goodfellow site - a materials company. This was submitted by Helen Garraway on behalf of student Noah and his father.
Here are three links brought to you by Stephanie Martin on behalf of her daughter: