1 Fundamentals of Chemistry
1.2 Molecules
1.3 Measurements
1.5 Periodic Table
1.6 Conversions
1.7 Solutions and their Concentrations
1.10 Balancing Chemical Reactions
1.11 Stoichiometry
1.12 Limiting Reactant
1.14 Chemical Formulas
1.15 Nomenclature
1.42 Learning Outcomes
2 Atmosphere, Air, and Gases
2.2 What Makes a Gas... different?
2.3 Our Atmosphere
2.5 Gas Laws
2.6 Partial Pressure
2.7 Reaction Stoichiometry and Gases
2.8 Air Pressure and Elevation
2.11 Al Kane
2.12 Density of a Gas
2.13 STP and more
2.42 Learning Outcomes
5 Thermodynamics & Fossil Fuels
5.1 Fire!
5.2 Thermo Speak
5.3 Heat IN/OUT - Enthalpy Change
5.4 Heat Capacities
5.5 Calorimetry
5.6 Bond Energies
5.8 Phase Changes
5.9 Heating Curves
5.42 Learning Outcomes
6 Water, water, Everywhere
6.1 Water: Properties and Interactions
6.2 Acid/Base Theory
6.5 pH and pOH
6.6 Conjugates
6.7 Neutralizations
6.8 Titrations
6.10 Weak Acids and Bases
6.11 The Water Around Us
6.42 Learning Outcomes
9 Food & Nutrition
9.1 Hello Food
9.2 Diet / Nutrition
9.3 Carbohydrates
9.4 Proteins
9.5 Fats
9.8 Alcohol 101
9.9 When Good Science goes Bad
9.10 Distillation
9.42 Learning Outcomes
10 Appendix - Data & Tables
10.1 Periodic Table
10.2 Metric Prefixes
10.3 Conversion Factors
10.4 Alkanes
10.5 Standard Potentials
10.6 Polyatomic Ions
10.7 Bond Energies
10.8 Heat Capacities
10.9 Phase Change Data
10.10 External Websites
10.11 Colophon
10.12 about Dr. McCord